Step 4: Hit Balls

Step 4 is to repeat steps 2 and 3 while hitting balls. You may find that simply having the ball in front of you makes this much more difficult. This is the hit instinct that we've discussed. Your brain switches from "swing" to "hit". I recommend doing this on a mat rather than grass. 

Continue to focus on releasing the club with your trail hand, ensuring that you don't have it on the club at impact which may be a instinct to "hit" the ball. There are a lot of forces that happen at impact and due to the nature of this design it's important that you prevent from hanging onto the club with your trail hand.  

As you get comfortable with these new feels of your lead hand controlling the club, begin testing yourself by going through these steps without The Missing Piece. Then start hitting balls and if you feel your dominant hand start to take over, put The Missing Piece back on and switch back and forth.

This process is going to be a trip for you brain as it's going to feel lost without your dominant hand. Once you get the hang of this, you will be amazed at how easy and free flowing your swing will become. Keep us updated on your progress and please feel free to reach out with any questions!