
To put The Missing Piece on, place the opening of the piece over the metal shaft of the golf club with arrow side pointing up. Slide the piece upwards onto the grip until it fits snugly on the grip. 

 Grip the club so your thumbs are resting on the gap of the product

2 Rules of use:

1.) Let go of the club with your trail hand as you get to impact. Your trail hand should not be on the club at impact. 

  • Learn a free flowing release (I.E Fred Couples, Vijay Singh)
  • It'll hurt at high speeds! Due to the nature of the design, speeds of the swing, and forces at impact.


2.) A tension free follow through. Do not allow your lead elbow to elevate higher than your shoulder in the follow through. This movement is a byproduct of continuing to pull the club through well into your follow through rather than releasing the club at the ball.

  • Learn to release the speed of the club head at the ball rather than after you've made contact. That's wasted club head speed!
  • Prevent injury by over extending your shoulder at full speed

*I recommend hitting on a mat and using a more lofted club like a PW or 9 iron. These clubs are shorter, easier to control, and don't create as much club head speed as you get into your release and follow through.* 



Ball Position

This product is design to prevent casting and delay the release of the club until impact. This means that the club is bottoming out further up in your stance. The ball position should be in the front half of your stance, off of your lead ear or the logo on your shirt. Many golfers naturally adjust their ball position because they are bottoming the club out near their back foot.


This product is designed to force you to quiet you trail side and to kill your hit instinct. This is a radically different sensation for right hand dominant people. We have designed a system to help you learn this as quick as possible.  We have broken up this process into 4 steps:

1.) Grip the club and hold

2.) Start with small quarter swings WITHOUT A BALL

3.) Progress up to full swings WITHOUT A BALL

4.) Repeat steps 2-3 while hitting balls 

The beauty of this training aid is that it’s going to be difficult and that’s because you can’t cheat it. It is going to feel weird and you are going to feel uncomfortable, but if you stick with it, you will start compressing the ball better, your consistency will improve drastically, and you will start hitting it straighter than you ever have.

It's important to note that this training aid is not simply about creating a massive lag angle. It's about fixing your action through impact and controlling the club face. When your dominant hand takes over, you lose both lag angle and control. You will find that your lag angle will increase as a byproduct.

I would recommend starting each of the following steps by doing reps with your left hand only. This will make you feel what a left hand only swing will feel like and once you do this, you can add your right hand back on with the training aid on, followed by without the training aid.