Unlock Your Golf Potential: Why Training Your Weak Hand is Key to Improving Your Swing

A major problem that most golfers face, that most don't even know is a problem, is an over-aggressive trail side. Which happens to be most golfers' dominant hand. Most golfers have a very weak and uncoordinated off-hand so during the swing, they quite simply don't use it. You're essentially using only half of your muscles during the swing, which is why your swing may feel capped or at a plateau. I.E. if you make a left-hand-only swing, you will use a completely different set of muscles than if you swing right-hand only. If you're not actively using your left side in the swing then you're not using this whole set of muscles. This is why it's important to train your weak side and unlock new movements that can improve your game.

This is the thesis of our website Golfsmissingpiece.com, to help golfers unlock this newfound potential. It started with our creepy-looking patented training aid and we just included new grip strengtheners in our library! 

Using a grip strengthener is simple and straightforward. You just hold the device in your off-hand and squeeze it repeatedly to build up strength and coordination. With regular use, you'll start to notice improvements in your ability to use your off-hand during your swings. Check out our website to learn more!

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