3 Reasons Why Being Too Dominant with Your Right Hand in the Golf Swing Can Hurt Your Game

As a right-handed golfer, it is natural to want to use your right hand to generate power and control in your swing. While the right side does play a major role in the golf swing, being too dominant with your right hand can actually be detrimental to your golf game. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Loss of control: When you rely too heavily on your right hand in the golf swing, you may lose control of the clubface. This can lead to slices, pulls, and other shot misalignments, resulting in a loss of distance and accuracy. This is because when the right arm and hand fire too early in the swing it causes the clubhead to move out over the top of the swing plane and bottom out before the ball.

  2. Lack of power: Using your right hand too much in the swing can cause you to lose power and distance. This is because your left hand (for right-handers) is responsible for pulling the club down and through the ball, saving the necessary speed and power to release at impact. If you rely too much on your right hand, the speed you generates tops out before the ball and causes you to hit up on the ball rather than pinch and compress the ball. The key is to save that speed and pop for at impact. 

  3. Timing issues: Being too dominant with your right hand can also cause timing issues in your swing. This can result in poor contact and a lack of consistency, leading to a drop in your overall performance on the course. 

To improve your golf game and avoid being too dominant with your right hand, it is important to focus on a balanced and synchronized swing. This means using both hands in unison to control the clubface and generate power and speed. To be able to do this, I highly recommend practicing a lot with your left hand only to teach it coordination and strength. Once you develop your left hand, then you will be able to use both in unison. It may take some practice, but by developing a more balanced swing, you can improve your distance and accuracy, and take your game to the next level.

Our entire website is dedicated to this issue that so many golfers struggle with and we've developed a patented training aid that provides instant feedback! If you're interested in learning more, check out our website: Golfsmissingpeice.com.

Happy Golfing,

Tyler Southcott


  • Too much rt hand

    Paul Barrett 740 856 1027
  • Hello golfsmissingpiece.com administrator, Thanks for the well-organized and comprehensive post!

    Kathie Walters

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